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Bank With Premier America & Make Every Dollar Count

  • Budgeting
  • March 2023
  • Premier America

At first glance, our Smart Spending checking account may look like any other offering, but once you take another look, you begin to realize just how much Premier America has your back. We don’t charge you ridiculous fees to access your hard-earned money. It’s yours, period. Just take a look at the miscellaneous fees that the big banks charge for a basic checking account* and you’ll begin to see why our Smart Spending Account just might be right for you.

  Premier America
Smart Spending
Chase  Wells Fargo Bank of America
Monthly Service Fee $0 $12 $10 $12
Overdraft Fee $0 $0 $0 $10/ item
Min. Balance Requirement $0 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500
Non-Network ATM Fee $0 $5/ withdrawal $2.50/ withdrawal $5/ withdrawal
Stop Payment $0 $30/ request $30/ request $30/ request
Cashier's Check $0 $10/ check $10/ check $10/ check