Security Center

Stay up to date on the latest scams to protect yourself and your hard-earned money.

Maintain Your Security

While our purpose is to help our members meet today's needs and reach for tomorrow's dreams, we want to ensure you are aware of the latest scams and fraud around, and know how to protect yourself. 

Account Takeover

Account takeover fraud is one of the most common and costly forms of identity theft, and it can happen in minutes!

Credential Stuffing

It's crucial to be aware of the rising threat of credential stuffing (or cyber stuffing), a form of identity theft that could compromise your online accounts.

Identity Theft and Fraud

Identity theft involves stealing a person’s identity and applying for credit or bank accounts in the victim’s name.
Premier America Credit Union is a full-service financial institution with branches in California and Texas. You may also conveniently join and open your Premier America account online.