Change Jar

Round your savings into form 
Debit card purchases round up to the nearest dollar
Extra change transfers directly to your savings account

The taps add up 

Think about all the times you use your debit card to make purchases around town or online. When you enroll in the Change Jar savings program through Online Banking, your purchases round up and the extra money transfers into your savings account at the end of every business day.

See how taking a small step can boost your savings

Your Purchase Rounded Up To Transferred to Savings
$32.10 $33.00 $0.90
$45.30 $46.00 $0.70
$6.25 $7.00 $0.75
$15.00 $16.00 $1.00
You Save!   $3.35
Get started by logging in to Online Banking and choosing Change Jar Enrollment under the Account Services menu. 

Related links & tools.

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Savings Account
Put yourself in a position to take on the future.
Premier America Credit Union is a full-service financial institution with branches in California and Texas. You may also conveniently join and open your Premier America account online.
*When you enroll in the Change Jar savings program, the amount of any one-time debit card purchase by you or an authorized card holder of your consumer Checking Account (business checking accounts and money market accounts are not eligible) will be rounded up to the next dollar. Only one time debit card purchases (PIN and signature-based transactions) are eligible for the program. The amount in excess of the purchase will be transferred to your designated Smart Savings or Regular Savings account. If the debit card purchase is an even dollar amount, $1.00 will be transferred. Each day’s purchases will be aggregated, debited from your checking account and posted to your designated savings account in a single transfer (described as ‘Change Jar’ transfer) at the end of the business day. If you do not have sufficient available funds in your checking account to make the Change Jar transfer, or if any transaction has overdrawn your Checking Account, the Change Jar transfer will be canceled for that day. If your debit card purchase is canceled or reversed after the Change Jar transfer has been made, the corresponding Change Jar transfer will not be reversed and will remain in the savings account. The Change Jar program may be altered or canceled at any time.