Retirement Calculators

Create or fine-tune your retirement savings strategy

How Long Will My Retirement Savings Last?

Estimate the number of years based on taxes, inflation, spending habits, and your projected tax bracket.

401(k) Calculator

Investing in your employer's retirement plan can add significant funds to your retirement portfolio.

Traditional 401(k) vs Roth 401(k)

Compare these popular, tax-advantaged accounts to determine which one best fits your personal savings plan.

Retirement Income Estimator

Get a sense of how much money your savings could generate in retirement based on your rate of return and your projected tax bracket.

Spend It or Invest It in an IRA?

When you have extra money, calculate how much more it could be worth to you if you invested it today.

Estimate Social Security Benefits

Make sure your retirement savings plan is keeping you on track to reach tomorrow's dreams.

Save for Retirement

Make sure your retirement savings plan is keeping you on track to reach tomorrow's dreams.

Premier America Credit Union is a full-service financial institution with branches in California and Texas. You may also conveniently join and open your Premier America account online.